Fonnesbaek & Kauflin
Instrument: Bass, piano
Genre: Jazz
Available: On request
Area: Scandinavia
Fonnesbaek & Kauflin
Instrument: Bass, piano
Genre: Jazz
Available: On request
Area: Scandinavia
Thomas Fonnesbaek (bas) – Justin Kauflin (pno)
Fonnesbaek & Kauflin is a new project from Danish bass equillibrist Thomas Fonnesbaek and American composer and pianist prodigy, Justin Kauflin.
Fonnesbaek & Kauflin sets new standards for the sound of jazz duo. You never miss any other instruments because they never stop interacting or inventing.
Fonnesbaek himself recalls the beginning of the new project like this:
“My first meeting with Justin Kauflin was in Copenhagen in the spring of 2015 at Jazzhouse Montmartre, together with his childhood friend and drummer, Billy Williams. When Montmartre’s former music director Christian Brorsen introduced me to them, I immediately recognized how talented they were and that Justin’s pianistic virtuosity and musicality would be a most treasured musical experience.
Besides being a meeting between Justin and myself, it was a meeting of cultures with many similarities and many inspiring differences that we could express through sound in the universal language of music. We quickly discovered we also shared a neurological commonality in that we both have synesthesia, which in our case means seeing sounds as colors with our mind’s eye. Synesthesia has also ended up being the title of this album.”
Hear for yourself how the pair paints luminous pictures with their tremendous musicality on the new album! Release October 20, 2017. Read more about Thomas Fonnesbaek.
Video: Synesthesia